How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac


  1. How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Macbook Pro
  2. How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac 7
  3. How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac Insert Picture Box

I use Word 2016 on Mac (Sierra). I only used EndNotes as an add-in in Word. Now I would like to remove EndNotes completely, which I would assume includes stopping EndNotes from loading when launching Word. I have followed all the instructions in this and several other topics. However, EndNote is still shown in my Word Add-Ins (.dotm and.bundle. To remove it, you must select and delete the object that is anchored to the text. This object could be off the page, so you can't see it. But if the anchor is visible, the object is selected and pressing the delete key will delete the object and anchor. If it turns out to be something other than an anchor, please post a screen shot using the picture tool (circled below.


In Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac, you are repeatedly prompted for authentication while you're connected to your Office 365 account.


This issue occurs because of the presence of duplicate tokens in the keychain.


To resolve this issue in Outlook 2016 for Mac, install the February 2017 Outlook update (version 15.31.0) from the following Office website:


To work around this issue, delete any cached passwords for your account, and also delete any modern authentication tokens from the keychain. To do this, follow these steps.

How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac

How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Macbook Pro


How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac 7

These steps affect all Office applications that use modern authentication.

How To Delete Anchors In Word 2016 For Mac Insert Picture Box

  1. Quit Outlook and all other Office applications.

  2. Start Keychain Access by using one of the following methods:

    • Select the Finder application, click Utilities on the Go menu, and then double-click Keychain Access.
    • In Spotlight Search, type Keychain Access, and then double-click Keychain Access in the search results.
  3. In the search field in Keychain Access, enter Exchange.

  4. In the search results, select each item to view the Account that's listed at the top, and then press Delete. Repeat this step to delete all items for your Exchange account.

  5. In the search field, enter adal.

  6. Select all items whose type is MicrosoftOffice15_2_Data:ADAL:<GUID>, and then press Delete.

  7. In the search field, enter office.

  8. Select the items that are named Microsoft Office Identities Cache 2 and Microsoft Office Identities Settings 2, and then press Delete.

  9. Quit Keychain Access.


    When you start Outlook, you are prompted to authenticate.